
Thoughts on B2B from real participants and the leadership team.

“I was introduced to Broken 2 Blessing by one of my favorite colleagues inside the wellness industry here in Indianapolis. As a person in long-term recovery (alcoholism) on the path of discovery, I was intrigued by the concept of B2B and wanted to learn more.  I had an introduction to Todd and subsequently Michael and was curious to know more. The program they’ve created - in my humble opinion - encapsulates an audience of seekers who may fall outside the realm of traditional 12-step recovery programs. This was a refreshing and compelling platform. 

I have attended a number of B2B remote meetings. My head and my heart have opened to a whole new world of recovery outside of what I’ve been exposed to in 30 years of AA. Michael & Todd are creating a safe haven for those whose backgrounds and past traumas have fundamentally shaped who they are. At B2B participants build bonds, to share stories, seek connection, and to grow into the best version of themselves.”  N.M., B2B Participant

“B2B was a new experience for me. I’d spent years in traditional therapy attempting to make sense of all the traumas I’d experienced, and yet I was still living in various manifestations of the same old miseries. I never had a systematic way of looking at the connectedness of my life experiences, my decisions and my physical and emotional health. I lived under constant stress. I had no action plan to stop the cycle. I was literally sick and tired. Now I believe through my work in B2B I am no longer condemned to being a victim of my own emotions. B2B has given me a systematic approach toward recovery. I believe B2B represents hope.” S.M., B2B Participant

"B2B has changed the way I see my life. It has provided me with a guidebook to being the best version of myself and attending to others in a way I have never been able to before. It has sparked my relationship with my Higher Power and encouraged me to look toward the truth -- instead of away from it. It has introduced me to a community of like-minded people and provided me the resources I need to grow. Before B2B, I spent 12+ years in individual therapy and have seen more in this past year involved in B2B than all 12+ years before. I am never going back to a life without it!" A.G., B2B Participant

“Broken2Blessing has given me a support network and a set of tools that have greatly improved my outlook on life. The weekly meetings are a great place to reflect on tough topics that do not come up in everyday conversations and the retreats are an enriching experience that allows you to grow closer with the other members. This has been a great addition to my mental health regiment and has allowed me to grow closer with my Higher Power!” L.M., B2B Participant

“I got involved with B2B as a path to helping others. I started Step One so I could become familiar with what all this pondering and writing might be like for others. I enjoyed the first few steps as fascinating little thought experiments…the sort of reflection on my inner self that has long kept my mind healthy and flexible. Then, there was Step Four. I was no longer in my comfort zone. Instead, I found myself itching and exhausted with “self discovery.”  Not really an enjoyable few weeks!

It’s a break through exercise…different, I suppose, for each individual who takes it on. For me, it meant unbundling a pile of past moments and discovering they had been buried alive…unresolved,  unhealed, still very much a part of my inner life. It’s easy to lie to yourself when you don’t realize you’re lying to yourself - and it’s hard work to sort out the past while trying to live in the present.

We each have our own mosaic of brokenness. We’ll each have our own labyrinth of healing. But somehow, it seems there might be a key moment in B2B that works to unlock whatever barrier keeps each of us from finding a new way forward. Mine was Step Four. I’ve moved on, but find myself revisiting that point frequently.  Weekly meetings have become a check-point and a refresher for my continued movement forward, and - maybe more importantly - an ongoing exercise in listening and connecting.

But B2B brings something else to my continued healing; maybe it’s the opportunity to understand and share in the endless landscape of brokenness that so many of us live in - and the equally endless breath of fresh air we can each become with a little work and a few companions. That, and the constant reminder that we’re all on a common journey through life, one in which our willingness to tend to our own brokenness mysteriously falls into someone else’s life as a blessing.” C.G., B2B Participant

“I became involved with Broken 2 Blessing because my husband Todd is the principal founder and as a retired non-profit manager, I knew I could volunteer in administration, compliance, and bookkeeping. I need the B2B program because I believed I had been broken by a stroke. This program has help me see that the stoke didn’t cause my brokenness but only forced me to finally deal with it. Yes, brain damage, instantaneous life changes, and grieving losses from the stroke are all part of my healing journey in B2B but; the need for healing from workaholism, perfectionism, control-freak-ism, people pleasing and the fear of never being good enough existed long before the stroke.  B2B's steps and group meetings, help me become more self-aware and improve my spiritual life so that I can assist others with similar brokenness.  B2B has transformed my life of struggle and fear into a life of helping others as a wounded-healer.” Mike Scime, Co-Executive Director for Administration

“I have seen firsthand how B2B has helped people grow, take responsibility for their thoughts, attitudes and behaviors and positively move their lives forward. I believe the secret sauce is in the content and in the approach. I’m most amazed at how participants GIVE to each other through the program. The genuine care and acceptance they show one another as they move forward on their journeys is astounding. I have raised three kids and continue to enjoy my role as a health care leader with Optum, part of UnitedHealth Group. For me, it was time to give back. I joined the B2B Board, not because I am an expert of any kind in this space, but because I believe in its leaders and what it can do for people who are hurting or just want to live a better life. We’re also way beyond proof of concept at this point; the program works. Whatever personal or professional skills I may have developed along the way, I’m honored to serve this group and our mission by applying them any way I can. B2B changes lives and I could not be more proud of its leaders, participants and my fellow board members for doing what we can to help it live on and reach masses.”  Jennifer Gleckman, board member

“I am honored to be associated with this amazing organization and its leaders.  When approached about serving on the board in February 2021, I distinctly remember thinking "this concept is unique". The B2B program does not try to define or categorize the circumstances of how people become "broken."   That diversity of the participants encourages compassion and acceptance of others who are also "broken".  Therein lies the beauty of the program.  B2B has developed a successful program that can change lives.  The addition of the B2B Retreat Center this past year has been extremely beneficial and was contributing factor in the program's growth this past year.  B2B's future is bright.  I am excited to see the continued metamorphosis of the program and its participants. “ Sandy Warren, Vice President and Treasurer

Some testimonials may have been edited for brevity or to protect privacy.

Photo Credit: “Irvine, Kentucky 2022” by written permission of Becky McCray.