Our Mission

Since 2019, Broken 2 Blessing has helped dozens of people find healing and purpose.

We are people, broken by traumatic life experiences, chronic physical, emotional or spiritual pain, including addiction; helping other broken people find transformation, healing, and purpose.  Together we share a journey of self-discovery using the spiritual practices and principles commonly found in 12-step programs.  Our methods emphasize the spiritual principles of radical honesty, harmony, compassion, and service to others, combined with courtesy, kindness, and respect for all.  Our spiritual growth is developed through sponsorship, regular  fellowship meetings, educational opportunities, retreats, and community service, following the teachings and example of Jesus and other great spiritual leaders

We intend to create a retreat center and mission-farm as a safe environment away from the distractions of everyday life where broken people can have the peace and quiet to discover, experience, and practice living by principles of spiritual transformation.  The B2B Retreat Center would provide a place to empower program participants to pass on the gifts they have received to others, and it would also provide a place for broken people to experience healing and practice the gift of service through providing care for plants, animals, people, and the environment.